T.W.A.T - Ride My Dick

  • T.W.A.T - Ride My Dick

T.W.A.T - Ride My Dick

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Affair Records are resigned in presenting T.W.A.T's lost '97 sessions entitled 'Ride My Dick', on cassette for the first time ever. Legend has it that these sessions were recorded at the esteemed Cro's Nest Studio in South London during an off-day from their tour with Slayer and Megadeth, shelved indefinitely at the time due to a label dispute with Geffen and Earache over the content within. Enter 2019 and the return of the TWAT.

"T.W.A.T.’s attempts at powerviolence are sloppy and nonsensical. They clearly need to listen to more Crossed Out and Fuck On The Beach." - Astral Noize

Ltd. to 50 w/ Digital Download.